appreciating old people
It's good for old people to be able to interact with others. And younger people can learn from them.
We can appreciate and use the talents and experiences of retired elders. I think it is a shame to overlook these individuals who want to share and interact. In modern times we do not spend enough time with other age groups.
John and Tom of the True Love Cafe
We can appreciate and use the talents and experiences of retired elders. I think it is a shame to overlook these individuals who want to share and interact. In modern times we do not spend enough time with other age groups.
John and Tom of the True Love Cafe
12:03 PMin the elder's eyes, in the reflection of their old blurred iris, do you see your tiny, warped image staring back at you? or deep in their eyes do you see your own past, present, and future? ... can you see where they have been; can you change your own path... skew your journey. the advice uttered from their dried and thick weathered lips are small, beautifully wrapped gifts. a unique present only for you. a gift gracefully wrapped in their sincerity and kind intentions.
7:32 PM
Please send this encouraging message to a retarded
friend...just as I've done.
I don't care if you lick windows...
screw farm animals...
take the short bus...
or occasionally shit yourself...
You hang in there sunshine, you're fucking special
2:16 PM
I agree that our "enlightened " society often disregards the wisdom of elders and focuses on shunting them off to retirement homes when they are no longer working like spent batteries.
If we remember that we too are ageing daily and that they were once young,vibrant and animated we could find common ground in which to realate,comisserate and enjoy each other.
12:22 PM
안녕하십니까! 나를 누구 생각합니까? 브라이언 입니다. 나는 기억합니까? 리나를 사랑했습니다!!! 어떻께 지내세요? 리나 어때요?
지금 나는 한국에서 살압니다. 한국말을 배웠습니다. 나의 이마일를 이마일 주세요!!!
리나는...너를 너무 보고싶어!!!
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